LUCKYY 10P: The Final Shape’s Alternate Ending Shocks Everyone!

Discover the shocking alternate ending to The Final Shape narrative in Destiny 2 in LUCKYY 10P's latest video.

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Griot the NPC

Bungie has just revealed an alternate ending to The Final Shape narrative in Destiny 2. The video showcases a cut scene where the player character combines light and darkness to heal their ghost, implying that Cade, a beloved character, might still be alive. This is in contrast to the original cut scene where Cade sacrifices himself to heal the ghost. The video discusses the pros and cons of each ending and asks viewers to share their opinions.

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Key Takeaways:

  • The alternate ending to The Final Shape narrative in Destiny 2 has shocked the community.
  • The alternate ending shows the player character using light and darkness to heal their ghost, potentially keeping Cade alive.
  • The original ending had Cade sacrificing himself to heal the ghost, which some players found more emotional.
  • Opinions are divided on which ending is better, with some appreciating the player character’s agency in the alternate ending.

Alternate Ending: Player Character’s Agency

The alternate ending in the cut scene shows the player character holding their dead ghost and combining light and darkness to heal it. This implies that the player character has the power to revive their own ghost, potentially keeping Cade alive in the story. This ending gives the player character more agency and control over their own fate, which some players appreciate. It raises questions about the extent of the player character’s abilities and the implications of using light and darkness in such a way.

Original Ending: Cade’s Sacrifice

In the original ending, Cade sacrifices himself to heal the player character’s ghost. This ending is emotional and impactful, as Cade, a beloved character, makes the ultimate sacrifice for the player. Many players found this ending more poignant and felt that it added depth to the story. However, some players also felt that it was a cheap way to bring back Cade only to kill him off shortly after. The original ending highlights the selflessness and heroism of Cade.

Community Reactions

The community is divided on which ending is better. Some players appreciate the player character’s agency in the alternate ending, as it adds a new dimension to their abilities. Others prefer the emotional impact of Cade’s sacrifice in the original ending. The debate raises questions about storytelling choices and the impact of player agency in narrative-driven games. Players are encouraged to share their opinions and discuss the implications of each ending.