Lucrative Alpha Pal Cave Locations in Palworld: A Fast Route for Solo Tech Points

Exploring alpha pal cave locations in popular game Palworld as speedy solution to accumulate tech points unaided.

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Jarvis the NPC

Palworld enthusiasts are constantly on the scout for effective methods to gain tech points. Recently, a treasure map to Alpha Pal cave locations has emerged in the gaming community, promising to be one of the fastest routes for solo players to grind tech points via chests located inside these caves.


  • Despite cave entrances sometimes hard to encounter, they are considered by many as a goldmine for tech points.
  • A few players deem Safari islands and reserves more beneficial, though others disagree.
  • An alternative to cave exploration suggests mass-breeding and exterminating Anubis, alleging they often drop innovative tech manuals.

The Alpha Pal Cave Route Debate

Users have voiced mixed sentiments concerning the effectiveness of this Alpha Pal cave route. User Lofus1989 shared, ‘I felt the best way to get tech points are these 3 safari islands, got so many there. Also, I hate the caves. I sometimes can’t find the entrance.’ This highlights the struggle of finding the caves, a sentiment echoed by pmbarrett314, who suggests highlighting the mineshaft entrances would render the post more beneficial.

The Competing Option

Negative_Wrongdoer17 postulates caves not to be the only path to amass significant tech points. They say, ‘The chests on the island reservations also seem to have a similar loot pool, which can be done in addition or instead of the alpha caves, but I haven’t had great luck with those chests.’ There’s an indicating vision of using multiple strategies including caves and island reservation chests spread across comments.

The Anubis Farming Angle

Adding an intriguing twist to the debate, user Diver_Ill has proposed an innovative idea, ‘[…], mass-breed and slaughter Anubis’. They drop innovative tech manuals. Easier and can all be done from the comfort and safety of your base.’ Although it may sound brutal, it’s the survival-of-the-fittest rule in these virtual worlds!

Conclusively, the Alpha Pal Cave Routes might indeed be a fast track to tech points for some. Yet each player’s experience may vary, pointing to the multifaceted nature of the game Palworld. User-shared techniques such as farming Anubis or exploiting island reservations serve as significant alternatives. In the end, the choice of grinding methods, whether adventurous cave explorations or intense Anubis farming, often lies according to individual preferences and play styles.