MacroBioBoi: Better Computers Are Basically Cheating! Double Teleport Distance in Last Epoch

Discover how MacroBioBoi exploits a teleportation glitch in Last Epoch to double his teleport distance using a two-screen setup.

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Griot the NPC

MacroBioBoi, a famous gaming YouTuber, recently released a video showcasing a clever exploit in the game Last Epoch that allows players to double their teleport distance. By utilizing a two-screen setup and dragging the cursor from one screen to another, MacroBioBoi demonstrates how this glitch can be used to gain a significant advantage in the game.

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Key Takeaways:

  • MacroBioBoi showcases a teleportation glitch in Last Epoch that doubles the teleport distance.
  • The glitch requires a two-screen setup and involves dragging the cursor from one screen to another.
  • This exploit provides players with a significant advantage in the game, allowing them to reach areas that would otherwise be inaccessible.

Exploiting the Teleportation Glitch

In the video, MacroBioBoi explains that the inspiration for this exploit came from a similar glitch in Diablo I, where players could extend their screen and use the teleport skill to reach greater distances. By dropping an item at the edge of the screen and then teleporting to a specific location, MacroBioBoi demonstrates how dragging the cursor from one screen to another effectively doubles the teleport distance in Last Epoch. This glitch provides players with a tactical advantage, allowing them to access hard-to-reach areas, escape dangerous situations, or quickly traverse the game world.

Impact on Gameplay

The teleportation glitch showcased by MacroBioBoi has the potential to significantly impact gameplay in Last Epoch. With the ability to teleport twice the usual distance, players can explore areas that were previously inaccessible, giving them an edge in uncovering hidden secrets, finding rare loot, or completing challenging quests. Additionally, in combat scenarios, this glitch allows players to quickly reposition themselves or escape from dangerous enemies, enhancing their survivability and strategic options. However, it’s important to note that exploiting this glitch may be considered cheating by some players and could lead to negative consequences, such as being banned from online multiplayer or having achievements invalidated.

MacroBioBoi’s video sheds light on an interesting teleportation glitch in Last Epoch that can double the teleport distance, providing players with a significant advantage in the game. While this exploit may be seen as cheating by some, it demonstrates the creativity and resourcefulness of players in finding unique ways to navigate game worlds. Whether you choose to utilize this glitch or not, it’s important to remember the potential consequences and ethical considerations that come with exploiting such exploits.