MacroBioBoi: Exploring Snapshot Tech on Necromancer

Discover the latest Snapshot Tech on Necromancer in MacroBioBoi's new video. Learn about the new companion and its abilities.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the video, MacroBioBoi dives into the Snapshot Tech on Necromancer, showcasing the new companion and its abilities. The video provides a detailed look at the gameplay and mechanics of the Snapshot Tech, offering insights into its strengths and weaknesses.

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Key Takeaways:

  • The Snapshot Tech introduces a new companion for the Necromancer class.
  • The companion has two active skills that can be customized with three different modifiers each.
  • Governing Stones and Tuning Stones are used to enhance the companion’s abilities.
  • The Snapshot Tech offers unique gameplay opportunities and adds depth to the Necromancer class.

New Companion for the Necromancer

The Snapshot Tech introduces a new companion for the Necromancer class. This companion, known as the Sena, can be customized with two active skills and three supporting modifiers for each skill. The abilities of the companion can be enhanced using Governing Stones and Tuning Stones, which provide various bonuses and effects.

Customizable Abilities

The Sena companion has two active skills that can be customized with three different modifiers each. These modifiers can increase the size of the skill’s effect, grant additional attack speed or damage, or provide other utility bonuses. Players can experiment with different combinations to find the most effective build for their playstyle.

Governing Stones and Tuning Stones

Governing Stones and Tuning Stones are resources used to enhance the abilities of the Sena companion. Governing Stones determine which attacks the companion can perform, while Tuning Stones augment the skills and provide additional utility. Players can equip the companion with two Governing Stones and six Tuning Stones, allowing for a wide range of customization options.

Unique Gameplay Opportunities

The Snapshot Tech offers unique gameplay opportunities for Necromancer players. The new companion adds an extra layer of strategy and depth to the class, allowing players to experiment with different builds and playstyles. The customizable abilities and resource management mechanics of the Snapshot Tech make it a valuable addition to the Necromancer class.