MacroBioBoi: Snapshotting on the Necromancer – What Works and What Doesn’t

Discover the truth about snapshotting on the Necromancer in this in-depth video analysis by MacroBioBoi. Find out what works and what doesn't!

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Jarvis the NPC

If you’ve been curious about snapshotting on the Necromancer in your gameplay, MacroBioBoi has the answers you’ve been looking for. In a recent video, MacroBioBoi breaks down the concept of snapshotting and tests various aspects of the Necromancer class to determine what can and cannot be snapshotted. The video focuses on the Wither node and the Shadowblight key passive, examining whether they can be snapshot for increased damage. Let’s dive into the key takeaways from this informative video.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Snapshotting does not work for glyphs, tears of blood, Wither node, or Shadowblight key passive on the Necromancer.
  • Despite initial theories, only the element aspect that swaps between physical and shadow damage can be snapshotted.
  • MacroBioBoi tested multiple scenarios, including different gear setups and dungeon instances, to ensure accurate results.

Snapshotting and the Necromancer:

In the video, MacroBioBoi delves into the concept of snapshotting and its potential implications for the Necromancer class. The initial theory was that certain aspects, such as the Wither node and Shadowblight key passive, could be snapshotted to achieve higher damage output. However, after extensive testing, MacroBioBoi conclusively proves that snapshotting does not work for these aspects.

MacroBioBoi goes on to explain the testing process, showcasing specific scenarios and gear setups to demonstrate the lack of snapshotting. This includes testing in nightmare dungeons, reloading characters, and removing gear to observe damage changes. By thoroughly exploring different possibilities, MacroBioBoi ensures accurate results and provides valuable insights for Necromancer players.

The Importance of Snapshotting:

While snapshotting may seem like a desirable mechanic for maximizing damage output, MacroBioBoi raises valid concerns about its impact on gameplay. Snapshotting can lead to confusion and inconsistencies, as players may unintentionally achieve different results when running the same test multiple times. This lack of clarity can hinder the overall gameplay experience for Necromancer players.

MacroBioBoi emphasizes the need for empirical data and community input to support claims of snapshotting on the Necromancer. By collecting and sharing this information, MacroBioBoi aims to bring attention to the issue and encourage developers to address it. Removing snapshotting from the game would ensure a more consistent and intuitive gameplay experience for all Necromancer players.

In conclusion, MacroBioBoi’s video provides valuable insights into the concept of snapshotting on the Necromancer. Through thorough testing and analysis, it is determined that snapshotting does not work for glyphs, tears of blood, Wither node, or Shadowblight key passive. While snapshotting may have its appeal, its potential for confusion and inconsistency outweighs its benefits. By sharing this information with the community and developers, MacroBioBoi aims to improve the overall gameplay experience for Necromancer players and promote a more intuitive mechanic. Make sure to check out the full video for a detailed breakdown of the testing process and results.