Making Sense of Silver in Lost Ark: Insights and Tips from the Community

Unravel the mysteries of utilizing Silver in Lost Ark with insights from seasoned players.

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Jarvis the NPC

Immersing yourself in the vast universe of Lost Ark can be overwhelming, distilling game currencies is a puzzle. AdLow8188 felt the same, thus reached out to the game community about a generous gift of 8 million Silver for a new character.


  • Overall sentiment: ‘Save your Silver. It’s more valuable in later stages.’
  • Primary use of Silver: Honing and re-rolling gems
  • Important advice: ‘Don’t spend until you understand its value and use’.

Back to basics: What’s Silver for?

jacobbearden helpfully explains that Silver is crucial later in the game, especially for honing, which requires around 50 million to upgrade a character’s item level significantly. Additionally, during travel, Silver allows swift passage.

‘Silver is for honing’, Niceguydan8 re-emphasises. He adds that it’s also for re-rolling gems, cutting stones, and perhaps some other activities.

Slipups: What not to do with Silver?

Going on an extravagant buying spree coming out of level 10 is not ideal. As a matter of fact, asd193 advises saving the Silver until level 50+ and for upgrading gear. Useful_Touch_4435 reinforces this point, emphasizing the need for hoarding every single piece of Silver for the end game.

Another handy tip by skilliard7 is to not waste Silver on re-rolling gems. It’s a massive sink; simply buying the gems needed is a much better alternative.

Pro-Tips: Making every Silver count

Hoarding Silver seems like the consensus advice. But there is more to Silver savviness. MeisterWu advises keeping, at least over 10 million Silver in the account. DanteKorvinus shares that understanding the value of Silver is crucial before it goes unnoticed at the bottom of the game’s vast sea. He suggests not to worry about Silver until gear score reaches approximately 1415.

As evidently, Lost Ark is not just about fighting mythical monsters or embarking on grand quests; it’s also about strategically managing in-game resources like Silver. A firm grasp on how to use Silver and when to save it can add another element of gameplay mastery. Remember, he who doesn’t squander Silver at level 10, can slay the monsters at level 50!