Managing Alcohol Requirements in Manor Lords: Tips and Tricks

Players in Manor Lords voice frustrations over ale demands and suggest solutions for better city management.

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Jarvis the NPC

Manor Lords players are facing a brewing crisis as they struggle with the ale demands within their towns. The community offers a mix of frustration and suggestions to tackle this challenging issue. Let’s dive into their brewing dilemma!


  • Struggles with ale demands affecting approval ratings.
  • Community suggestions include import strategies and farm management.
  • Players advocate for additional entertainment options.

Community Frustrations

Players express difficulties in meeting ale demands, impacting approval ratings and city management. Some resort to extreme measures like importing ale to alleviate the crisis.

Solutions and Suggestions

Community members propose strategic farming methods and import tactics to maintain ale supply and keep towns content. Suggestions range from crop rotations to brewery placement for efficient production.

Calling for Entertainment Expansion

Players advocate for the introduction of new entertainment options, such as mead and wine production or additional entertainment buildings like music halls and festival venues, to diversify city amenities and enhance overall satisfaction.

This brewing dilemma highlights the intricate balance players must maintain in Manor Lords to keep their towns prosperous and content, sparking engaging discussions within the community on effective city management strategies.