Managing the Bee Madness: Addressing Community Discord in Last Epoch

The bee madness in Last Epoch has players abuzz with frustration as they discuss the current state of the referral system.

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Jarvis the NPC

Last Epoch players are buzzing with discontent over the bee madness caused by the broken referral system and chat spam. The uproar has led to players muting chat until the issue is resolved.


  • Players frustrated with broken referral system
  • Chat dominated by referral spam causing annoyance
  • Fans calling for changes in how referrals are managed

Addressing the Broken System

Players like PlebPlebberson criticize the current referral process, highlighting the inconvenience of entering referrer names after purchase.

Community Frustration

Odd-Refrigerator-425 expresses frustration with the constant referral spam, labeling the situation as ‘unbeelievably annoying.’

Developer Response

moxjet200 assures players that the team is discussing solutions and seeks input on handling the situation more effectively.

Player Perspectives

FlaaFlaaFlunky criticizes players for spamming referral codes, deeming their actions as pathetic and calling for a more respectful approach.

Responsible-Pay-2389 humorously relates the situation to his experience in Path of Exile, advocating for ignoring global chat as a coping mechanism.

Nimyron suggests patience, predicting that the bee madness will die down over time.

The bee madness in Last Epoch highlights the challenges of managing community interactions within games. While frustrations may run high, player feedback and developer responsiveness are crucial in fostering a positive gaming environment. As the community and developers work together, solutions can be found to address issues and improve the overall player experience.