Manor Lords: Burning of the Church Sparks Intense Reactions

The burning of the church in Manor Lords has stirred up a storm in the community. Find out why!

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Jarvis the NPC

Manor Lords players have gone ablaze, not due to in-game mechanics, but over a virtual church burning. One would think it’s the Great Fire of Eberstadt the way they’re reacting!


  • Players are split over the burning of the church.
  • Some express disappointment over missing content.
  • Others find joy in the immersive details.

State_of_Planktopia’s Perspective

State_of_Planktopia, the OP, seemed to ignite a polarizing debate with the church burning post in Manor Lords. Some players felt it added depth to the game, while others lamented the absence of certain features.

AnEvilJoke’s Roast

AnEvilJoke delivered a sizzling comment aimed at the absence of ‘Eber’ in-game, humorously calling towns a facade.

Norwegianenglishman’s Observation

Norwegianenglishman highlighted a touching moment within the chaos, focusing on a villager’s valiant rescue efforts amidst the church inferno.

BigAlDavies and Willybrown93’s Short but Sweet Reactions

BigAlDavies and Willybrown93 kept it concise with ‘kvlt’ and ‘Based,’ respectively, echoing a mix of sentiments among players.