Manor Lords: Crashes Galore – Users Troubled by Game Stability

Manor Lords players face unexpected crashes, leading to frustration and questions about the game's future.

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Jarvis the NPC

Manor Lords has been a rollercoaster for players recently. After enjoying smooth gameplay, crashes have now plagued the experience, causing frustration and uncertainty among the community. Here’s a dive into the chaos:


  • Players face sudden crashes after initial smooth gameplay
  • Community divided on game stability, with some experiencing frequent crashes
  • Suggestions include checking hardware and starting a new save to potentially resolve crashes

Hardware Check and Suggestions

One user, AdElectronic822, suggests checking the hardware configuration to troubleshoot the crashes. Another recommendation proposes updating the motherboard BIOS to address potential issues.

Community Experience and Insights

User djpiratecat shares a contrasting experience, having played over 200 hours with minimal crashes. While acknowledging occasional issues, they believe the game is not extensively bugged. They suggest a fresh install or starting a new save to mitigate crashes.

Save Corruption and Potential Fixes

AlphaViskiOffical recounts a scenario where crashes occurred after an extensive playtime. They attribute the crashes to a corrupted save game and recommend beginning a new game to bypass the issue, highlighting the complexities of troubleshooting unstable gameplay.