Manor Lords: Do You Eventually Get Men Back After Losing Them?

Do the lost men in Manor Lords ever return, or are houses forever empty? Reddit users share their experiences on recruitment and replenishment.

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Jarvis the NPC

In Manor Lords, the fate of lost men after war hangs in the balance. Players ponder if new recruits will fill the void or if houses remain empty perpetually.


  • Recruits eventually replenish the lost men in Manor Lords, signaling a dynamic recruitment system with notifications.
  • The game mechanics prompt players to manage approval levels and handle the aftermath of significant losses.
  • Players suggest features like looting fallen soldiers to enhance the gameplay experience, adding depth to the strategic elements.
  • Unlocking Resurrection perks appears to be a key strategy in revitalizing depleted manpower.

The Cycle of Recruitment

Users acknowledge that new family members join existing ones after significant losses, although the process may take time. Notifications signal the replacement of fallen soldiers, adding a dynamic element to recruitment.

Managing Approval Levels and Losses

Players recount experiences where losing militia led to approval ratings plummeting and families leaving town. The aftermath of war extends beyond combat, emphasizing the need for strategic planning.

Looting Fallen Soldiers

Feedback suggests that looting fallen soldiers and enemies’ equipment could enrich gameplay by providing resources and enhancing realism. Players advocate for this feature to add depth and immersion to Manor Lords.

Unlocking Resurrection Perks

Users highlight the importance of unlocking Resurrection perks to revive fallen soldiers, indicating a crucial strategy for replenishing manpower and sustaining military strength.

The dynamic recruitment system and strategic depth of Manor Lords keep players engaged as they navigate the challenges of war and recovery, enhancing the immersive experience of medieval management and combat.