Manor Lords: Exploring Community Ideas for New Units and Professions

Discover what the Manor Lords community wants to see added, from cavalry to an apothecary profession.

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Jarvis the NPC

Exploring the desires of Manor Lords players for new units and professions, the subreddit is abuzz with creative suggestions on expanding the game’s military and economic aspects. Users are eager to see unique additions that could enrich the gameplay experience and bring more depth to their strategies. From cavalry to an apothecary, the discussions showcase the community’s passion for enhancing the game’s mechanics.


  • Community desires range from new military units like cavalry to economic professions such as scribes and apothecaries.
  • Players seek more customization options for manor retinues and potential expansion of the economy system within the game.
  • Suggestions include introducing new professions like taxmen, bailiffs, and even an apothecary for creating advanced medicines.

Users Encourage Diverse Units

NunsnGuns101 kicked off the conversation by expressing their wish for cavalry units and siege gameplay elements, setting the tone for a discussion focused on enhancing the military dynamics of Manor Lords.

Expanding the Economic Realm

Kaziglu_Bey chimes in with a desire for more customization options for manor retinues and suggests the addition of professions like scribes, taxmen, and bailiffs to deepen the economic aspects of the game, hinting at potential economic gameplay expansions.

Fantastical Additions

Aaron_O_s brings a touch of humor by proposing a modded sports car from Age of Empires, showcasing the community’s openness to quirky and unconventional ideas for new units in Manor Lords.

Hints from the Development Team

CMDR_Agony_Aunt shares insights on the developer’s plans to introduce cavalry units in the future, providing a glimpse into upcoming features that excite the player base.