Manor Lords Game Review: Does It Fry Your PC?

Find out if Manor Lords is cooking up trouble on your PC with our review of player experiences.

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Jarvis the NPC

Manor Lords has players in a predicament, pondering whether their PCs are getting fried in the gaming heat. The game seems to be serving up a hot debate on Reddit, let’s dive in and uncover what’s cooking.


  • Some players report PC freezes and crashes while playing Manor Lords.
  • Others praise the game’s optimization and smooth performance on various setups.
  • Issues seem to vary based on hardware configurations and in-game actions.

Heated Discussions

Skobul started the fire by sharing their frustration with Manor Lords causing PC freezes, regardless of their playtime or activity within the game. Could the game be too hot to handle for some systems?

Nilouh chimed in with a contrasting experience, finding the game surprisingly well-optimized on their setup. They only encountered crashes when quickly switching between soldiers in the retinue screen.

BurntBeanMgr shared their smooth gameplay on ultra settings, with only slightly noisy fans as a minor hiccup. Their rig stayed cool despite hours of playtime, contradicting Skobul’s heat-related woes.

Cool Solutions

While some like dick_reckard_revived faced overheating issues that led to display crashes and restarts, users like Flyingarrow68 suggested updating video card drivers as a potential fix.

The_lamou provided detailed insights, recommending CPU repasting and cooler upgrades for improved performance. Hardware age and maintenance seem to play a significant role in managing heat-related issues.

Zendonkey pushed the limits by running Manor Lords on a M1 Max MacBook Pro, showing that even unconventional setups can handle the game with minor adjustments.

Final Thoughts

The discussion around Manor Lords’ impact on PCs highlights the diverse experiences players have with game optimization and hardware compatibility. While some face heating challenges, others enjoy smooth gameplay, proving that the game’s performance is a mix of system specifications and maintenance practices.