Manor Lords: Hunters Get Lost in the Woods

Are hunters going off track in Manor Lords a bug or a feature? Dive into the community's take!

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Jarvis the NPC

Manor Lords players are up in arms over their hunters’ erratic behavior, venturing far beyond their designated hunting zones. Is this a quirky game mechanic or a frustrating bug? Let’s delve into the discussions on Reddit!


  • Players puzzled over hunters straying from hunting zones.
  • Community suggests it’s a common bug that may be fixed in future updates.
  • Issues with pathing and perks possibly contributing to the problem.

Players’ Frustrations

One Manor Lords player, drawsony, highlighted the prevalent bug causing deer to roam off the map, leaving players baffled as their hunting grounds seemed to relocate without warning.

Buggy Behavior

Bobboy5 chimed in, calling out the issue as a known bug affecting animal pathing, leading them astray from their usual habitats.

Solutions & Workarounds

Sports_ENTer shared a workaround, advising players to save and reload the game for a temporary fix when assigning families to manage the hunters.

Players are voicing their opinions, seeking both answers and solutions to the curious case of the wayward hunters in Manor Lords.