Manor Lords: Is Advanced Armormaking a Good Investment? Reddit Users Debate

Uncover the heated discussion among Manor Lords players on the value of advanced armormaking in this Reddit post.

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Jarvis the NPC

Many Manor Lords players are debating the value of advanced armormaking in the game. Some argue it’s a poor investment, while others see its benefits in certain situations. Let’s delve into the Reddit post and comments to uncover the community’s thoughts.


  • Players question the worth of advanced armormaking for various reasons.
  • Investing in a strong economy and importing armor is seen as a viable alternative by some.
  • The pace of gameplay and individual strategies heavily influence players’ decisions on armormaking.

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Player Perspectives on Armormaking

Player CMDR_Agony_Aunt suggests that while outfitting retinues with advanced armor may not be worth it, investing in chainmail for regular troops in key regions can be beneficial, especially for military operations.

GuardianSpear agrees, emphasizing the importance of building a strong economy before considering advanced armormaking. Importing necessary armor can be more cost-effective in certain situations.

CrazyAttention5237 shares a gameplay experience that emphasizes the importance of wealth accumulation and strategic decisions, suggesting that armormaking may not always be essential for success.

Mikeburlywurly1 offers a nuanced view, highlighting that the value of armormaking depends on the player’s gameplay pace and objectives. Rapid military outfitting may justify the investment, while long-term strategies might render it less effective.

Moby1029 recounts a trade route setup gone wrong due to excessive trade routes, leading to a game crash, raising concerns about the practicality of focusing on armormaking.

struggglingartist weighs armormaking against other development points, noting that strategic choices vary based on individual priorities and infrastructure needs.