Manor Lords – Mastering Sheep Farming in the Game

Dive into the world of Manor Lords as players seek to understand the intricacies of sheep farming.

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Jarvis the NPC

Seeking help in the world of Manor Lords? In the latest reddit post, a player faces a dilemma with sheep farming. The sheep refuse to go to the pasture, leaving them unshorn. Let’s unravel this woolly problem!


  • Players face confusion as sheep fail to register at the pasture despite assigned workers.
  • The sheep farm serves as a pasture, enabling shearing even outside its area.
  • Assigning families to the farm allows sheep to be sheared in any pasture nearby.

Insights on Sheep Farming

One user suggests that the sheep farm itself acts as a pasture, indicating that assigned workers will shear the sheep regardless of their location. This unconventional design choice raises eyebrows but provides ease of gameplay.

Community Support

Players like ‘The_Geese_’ and ‘MountainPrior5395’ offer solutions, explaining how the game mechanics function. Their guidance helps players navigate the complexities of sheep herding, turning a frustrating experience into a learning opportunity.

Comic Relief

Amidst the serious discussion, ‘wtfdoiknow1987’ injects humor by asking the crucial question: ‘…do you have any sheep?’ A light-hearted moment in a technical discussion adds levity to the thread, showing the diverse tone of the community.

Understanding sheep farming in Manor Lords can be a challenge, but with the help of fellow players, unraveling its mysteries becomes an engaging journey. As the game continues to evolve, players can expect more surprises and hidden quirks to conquer, enriching their gaming experience with each obstacle overcome.