Manor Lords: Orchards Dilemma – Tips and Tricks from the Community

Discover why Manor Lords players are experiencing troubles with their orchards and learn solutions from fellow gamers.

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Jarvis the NPC

Manor Lords players are scratching their heads over the mysterious disappearing trees in orchards. What’s causing this bizarre phenomenon?


  • Gamers advise creating big square plots for optimal orchard results.
  • Issue of few trees in orchards may be related to game speed and building while paused.
  • Utilize building tools to maximize backyard space for tree placement.

Community Insights

Manor Lords orchards are failing to reach their full potential due to a bug that interferes with tree planting. Some players suggest that constructing orchards while the game is paused results in incomplete tree layouts. The issue can be resolved by demolishing and reconstructing the orchard at faster game speeds.

Player Strategies

One user, SassyWookie, recommends building orchards when the game is running at 4x or 12x speed to avoid glitches. The orchard initially appears incomplete but will fill out after a few seconds. However, building while paused can lead to frozen or half-planted orchards.

Collaborative Solutions

Players like cking145 emphasize the importance of larger square plots for successful orchards. Additionally, elkinfolkj suggests dedicating specific granaries for better storage management to prevent overproduction in orchards.