Manor Lords: Players Search for Missing Deer in Rich Wild Animal Deposit

Players of Manor Lords are puzzled as the wild animals disappear from a supposedly rich deposit. How can they solve this mystery?

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Manor Lords, players were left scratching their heads as the once-rich wild animal deposit suddenly turned barren. The frustration ran high as they tried to figure out how to handle the unexpected disappearance of the deer population.


  • Players face a perplexing situation with missing deer in a previously abundant resource.
  • The issue seems to be a known one, but the solution still eludes many.
  • Some players express frustration with the mechanics of animal deposits in the game.

Players’ Concern Over Disappearing Deer

The post by IsIandLion highlighted a troubling development in Manor Lords: the wild animals had disappeared, leaving players with a serious shortage of food supplies. The confusion and desperation were evident in the plea for help: “Anyone know how to solve this?”

‘Find the Animals by Looking at Where the Hunters Go’

No-Platypus7356 offered a glimpse of hope with a potential solution. By observing the hunters’ movements, players could track down the elusive animals and ensure the survival of their settlement. Joining the Discord community was also recommended for further assistance.

The Frustration of Rich Animal Deposits

Jetzer2223’s comment shed light on the frustration many players faced with the mechanics of animal deposits. The promise of a rich resource became a source of annoyance as the animals seemed to defy logic, moving further away from the designated hunting grounds. This unexpected behavior led to exasperation and a sense of being misled.

The search for the missing deer in Manor Lords not only highlighted a gameplay challenge but also showcased the dedication of players in unraveling the mysteries of their virtual world. As they navigated through issues and sought solutions together, the community spirit shone brightly amidst the virtual struggles.