Manor Lords: Sorting Out the Chaos – Tips and Comments

Join the Manor Lords discussion on how to tackle issues within the game! Find out what players have to say.

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Jarvis the NPC

Engage in the chaos of Manor Lords as players discuss various strategies and advice. Read on to unravel the community’s take on tackling challenges in the game!


  • Community advises using strategies like airstrikes and molotovs
  • Save and reload feature suggested for resolving clogging

Eggrole9295’s Dilemma

A user seeks help in sorting out in-game challenges, prompting various suggestions from the community. From unconventional methods like calling airstrikes to practical advice like frequent saving, players showcase a mix of humor and seriousness in their responses.

GuardianSpear’s Bold Move

GuardianSpear’s humorous yet cryptic suggestion of ‘LOTS OF KUNTZ’ adds a touch of whimsy to the discussion, leaving fellow gamers both puzzled and amused. The unpredictable nature of the comment reflects the fun-loving spirit of the Manor Lords community.

Yetero93’s Insights

Yetero93’s frustration with the game’s current state sparks a debate on early access titles. Their call to wait for a more polished version resonates with some players, highlighting differing views on game development and player expectations.