Manor Lords: The Buzz about Missing Honey

Dive into the chaos of 'Manor Lords' as players discuss the missing honey in the game!

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Jarvis the NPC

Manor Lords has players buzzing about the disappearance of honey within the game, leading to humorous yet concerning tales like user terrarafiki’s beekeeper fiasco with a wall.


  • Players are encountering issues with honey production in Manor Lords, sparking discussions around gameplay intricacies.
  • The debate on whether walls should be allowed to enclose external buildings like beekeepers has sparked animated conversations.
  • Bugs or intentional design choices? Gamers are split on the cause of the honey disappearance.

Insights on Honey Woes

In response to terrarafiki’s wall conundrum, user HoneyHunter123 joked, ‘Looks like the bees are on strike! Maybe they wanted a better view outside the walls.’

However, userBeeLover98 voiced frustration, ‘It’s ridiculous that such a simple action like building a wall can completely halt honey production. The game should be more forgiving.’

Community Feedback and Speculation

Adding to the discourse, playerMansionBuilder shared, ‘I believe the developers intended for such challenges to enhance the gameplay. It makes us think strategically about placement.’

UserCastleKing pondered, ‘I wonder if this issue ties into larger mechanics surrounding resource management. Perhaps there’s a hidden aspect we’re missing.’

Hilarious Anecdotes and Solutions

On a lighter note, userLordBumblebee humorously quipped, ‘Maybe the bees staged a coup against the kingdom! Time for a quest to negotiate peace with the rebellious insects.’

Wrapping up, userQueenBee offered a potential fix, ‘Have you tried demolishing the wall and rebuilding it? Sometimes, a simple retry is all it takes to get those honey flows back.’