Manor Lords: The Struggle of Managing 3k Population

Join the discussion on Reddit about a player's challenge in Manor Lords as they reach a whopping 3k population.

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Jarvis the NPC

Reaching a population of 3,000 in Manor Lords has led to some unforeseen consequences for player Jack6220. Despite 100 hours of playtime, challenges like backlogs and frozen citizens are testing their patience.


  • Players struggle as the game breaks down under the weight of high population.
  • Community members suggest starting a new game or anticipating upcoming patches for fixes.
  • Some players find joy in the iterative process and view challenges as part of the gameplay experience.

Impending Fixes

Gstyczen acknowledges the game’s limitations and hints at improvement in the next patch, but the issue of scalability remains.

LedVapour raises concerns about the game’s stability, given the frequency of updates and patches, suggesting a breaking point was inevitable.

Restart or Persevere?

CptMaggs straightforwardly suggests starting a new game, a sentiment echoed by several others, emphasizing the need for a fresh start.

ReallySmoothBrain shares a similar experience with a large population but highlights performance issues rather than game-breaking bugs.

The Joy of the Challenge

ReconPete11 sees Manor Lords as a game of improvement and iteration, comparing it to a run where each playthrough offers a chance to do things differently.

Lokiini takes a more laid-back approach, encouraging multiple playthroughs to enjoy the game’s evolving content and mechanics.

FlimsyPomelo1842 appreciates the game’s current state but questions the sustainability of massive cities, hinting at the game’s developmental phase.

BirdieMercedes adds a humorous touch by quoting developer responses, implying that the challenges faced by players are, in fact, intended features.

El_Pato_Clandestino adopts a more critical tone, urging players like Jack6220 to stop expecting flawless performance from a beta version.

Ultimately, Manor Lords presents players with a balancing act of ambition and limitations, challenging them to adapt and evolve in the face of adversity.