Manor Lords: Town Troubles and Market Mysteries Unveiled

Discover the struggles of a large town in Manor Lords with food supply issues and market mysteries.

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Jarvis the NPC

Manor Lords players have been facing challenges within their towns, from food shortages to market distribution issues. Let’s delve into the intricacies of their experiences.


  • Food diversity affects upgrade speed.
  • Constraints of building with solo houses.
  • Market distribution problem with clothing.

Food Struggles

CMDR_Agony_Aunt shared how the lack of vegetables posed a significant challenge in maintaining adequate food supply, leading to delays in town upgrades and increased reliance on fuel production.

Building Limitations

The choice of mostly single houses limited building options and required additional fuel generation, impacting town efficiency and upgrading pace.

Marketplace Mysteries

A strange phenomenon in market distribution was observed, with clothing failing to reach certain areas despite adequate infrastructure. The cause remains uncertain, sparking player speculation and creative solutions.

As Manor Lords players navigate these trials, each town becomes a unique experiment in balancing resources and overcoming unexpected obstacles.