Manor Lords: Trading Post Woes and Workarounds

Players share frustrations over backlogged trading posts in Manor Lords, seeking solutions to boost efficiency.

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Jarvis the NPC

In Manor Lords, players are venting about persistent issues with trading posts causing major delays in their gameplay. The thread dives into possible bugs and workarounds to address the backlog effectively.


  • Trading post delays causing frustration among players
  • Players exploring potential bug fixes like reassigning workers
  • Lack of trade routes and transportation issues impacting trading efficiency


RuralJaywalking emphasizes the sluggishness of the trading process due to the extensive distances traders cover, leading to significant delays in selling goods. Perhaps a reevaluation of transportation methods could enhance the effectiveness of trade.


Pixelcrunch suggests that the trading post backlog could be linked to unpaid trading routes, hinting at a potential overlooked aspect affecting trading efficiency in Manor Lords. Paying attention to these details might streamline the process for players experiencing delays.


CMDR_Agony_Aunt sheds light on the impact of trade routes and transportation means on trading efficiency in Manor Lords. Noting the limitations without these elements, the user highlights the importance of optimizing logistics for smoother trade operations, particularly in moving multiple goods at once.

Players of Manor Lords are grappling with trading post inefficiencies, seeking solutions to streamline their economic activities within the game. The discussions highlight the nuanced mechanics influencing trading processes and the community’s collaborative efforts to troubleshoot and improve their gameplay experiences.