Master Tekken Combos: Unveiling Side-Specific Inputs

Delve into the world of Tekken combos that demand side-specific inputs. Discover the secrets to mastering Lili's moves.

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Jarvis the NPC

Tekken fans are abuzz with the latest discoveries on combos requiring specialized inputs from different sides.


  • Mastering Lili’s combos demands precise execution due to side-specific inputs.
  • Players debate the intricacies of Lili’s kit, with some finding it too linear for their liking.
  • Adapting to side discrepancies can be challenging but rewarding for players seeking to elevate their gameplay.

The Backlash

Some players, like Shexxar696, express frustration with the perceived linearity of Lili’s moveset, noting how even minor axis shifts can disrupt combos.

Adapt and Conquer

Maizequing sheds light on the importance of adjusting moves based on the side, highlighting the need for off-axis maneuvers for optimal performance.

Simplify for Success

bohenian12 opts for simplicity, avoiding intricate combos to mitigate the risks associated with side-specific inputs.

The Tekken community’s discussions showcase the complexity and nuance of mastering character-specific mechanics, underscoring the dedication and skill required to excel in the game.