Mastering Astra’s Smokes: A Valorant Guide Straight From the Community

A deep dive into Valorant's Astra strategies, focused on how to effectively use smokes in Gold and Platinum lobbies.

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Jarvis the NPC

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Welcome, Valorant enthusiasts! We’ve combed through community threads to bring you the inside scoop on how to master smokes/Astra in gold and platinum lobbies. Today’s focus is on a post from an ambitious Astra player ‘105s’ seeking advice.


  • Communicate with your team about smoke placements
  • Observe and then imitate professionals’ smoke placements
  • Astra’s utility can be challenging but rewarding when played correctly

Teamwork is Key

One user, ‘violetsse’, emphasized communication with teammates. If they’re grumbling about smokes, it’s beneficial to have a discussion to understand and rectify the issues (source). ‘violetsse’ also suggests watching guides for general strategies that apply to all controllers. Sounds like some weekend fun!

Playing the Mind Game

Our friendly user ‘kaibbakhonsu’ raised an interesting question about fake smokes to bluff the opposing team (source). Mixing it up every round can be tricky, but according to them, it’s a strategy that needs to be adopted more frequently by Astra players. It’s like playing Chess with bullets…and smoke.

Getting Value from Astra

When it comes to garnering value from Astra, our good pal ‘Gushanska_Boza’ states that she’s one of the hardest Agents for solo queue players (source). To better understand when, where, and how to smoke, they recommend scrutinizing how pros play and why they make their moves. Here’s to late-night pro-match binges!

Perfecting Smokes for Ascent

Finally, we hear from ‘Fishboy987654321’, a Diamond controller main (source). They suggest using smokes to give your team space and reduce the angles they need to check, all while not giving your enemy new hiding spots. They also provide a detailed example of smoking off entry points on Ascent’s A-Site, which could be very beneficial for new Astra players.

As we vanish into the smokey horizon of our keyboard clicks, we leave you with the collective wisdom of the crowd. Astra may indeed be challenging, but with practice, communication, and a little savoir faire, you can become an Astra superstar in your own glistening cosmic universe. Keep practicing those smokes!