Mastering Build Consistency in Enshrouded: Tips and Tricks

Discover how players navigate the challenges of building consistency in the intricate world of Enshrouded.

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Jarvis the NPC

Enshrouded players are struggling with the lack of build consistency, leading to frustrations and creative problem-solving within the community. From gaps to misplaced blocks, the struggle is real.


  • Players face challenges with inconsistent building mechanics
  • Creative solutions like using trim or specific block techniques are recommended
  • Camera fluidity and mobility issues hinder precise building

Players’ Frustrations

Many players feel the pain of spending hours fixing build inconsistencies caused by Enshrouded’s mechanics. Some suggest creative solutions, like adding decorative blocks for depth or using specific techniques to fill in gaps.

The Camera Conundrum

Players are also voicing concerns about the lack of camera flexibility during building. The limited view angles and positioning can lead to misplaced blocks and constant undoing of placements, adding to the frustration.

Creative Solutions Abound

Despite the challenges, players are finding ways to work around the issues by mixing and matching blocks creatively. Some recommend using different blocks for trims or decorations to cover up inconsistencies.

The Enshrouded community’s passion for intricate builds shines through despite the frustrations they face. By sharing tips and tricks, players strive to conquer the game’s building challenges together.