Mastering Combat Strategies in Baldur’s Gate 3 – Tips and Tricks from the Community

Struggling with combat in Baldur's Gate? Find out how to succeed in battles without a tanky character!

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Jarvis the NPC

Struggling with combat in Baldur’s Gate 3 and unsure how to approach battles without a tanky character? Reddit users offer valuable tips and strategies to enhance your gameplay experience.


  • Positioning and spells like Shield and Mage Armour are crucial for survivability.
  • Utilize companions effectively to distribute damage and support your team.
  • Consider stealth tactics and summoning allies to aid you in combat.

Effective Positioning and Defensive Spells

Users emphasize the importance of proper positioning in combat to protect your vulnerable characters. Spells like Shield and Mage Armour can significantly increase survivability, allowing even squishy characters to withstand attacks.

Companion Support and Tactics

Engage in strategic gameplay by leveraging your companions to draw aggro and provide cover for your more fragile characters, enabling them to cast powerful spells from a safe distance.

Stealth and Summoning Strategies

Explore stealth approaches and summoning spells to diversify your combat tactics. By surprising enemies and summoning additional allies, you can gain a significant advantage in challenging battles.

The diverse strategies shared by the Reddit community showcase the creativity and depth of Baldur’s Gate 3’s combat system. By incorporating these tips into your gameplay, you can overcome challenges and emerge victorious in every encounter.