Mastering Food Production in Manor Lords: Top Tips from the Community

Struggling with food production in Manor Lords? Check out these community-suggested tips to keep your villagers well-fed!

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Jarvis the NPC

Manor Lords is a game that can be both rewarding and challenging, especially when it comes to managing food production. One Reddit user, Lisa-577, sought help on the best ways to increase food supply after reaching a new milestone in the game.


  • Optimize your food production by strategically placing and upgrading veggie plots.
  • Maximize berry harvests and efficiently manage forager huts.
  • Consider diversified food sources like chicken coops, apples, and bread for a balanced diet.
  • Tailor your food production strategy based on the urgency of your villagers’ needs.

Top Tips for Food Production

In response to Lisa-577’s query, the Manor Lords subreddit community offered a variety of insights and strategies to tackle the food shortage issue. User Professional_Field54 emphasized the importance of veggie plots and optimizing berry harvests to increase food supply efficiently. They highlighted the significance of proper planning, such as avoiding long walking distances for harvesters.

Another user, GuardianSpear, suggested an artisan bakery upgrade for a more effective wheat-to-bread conversion ratio, significantly boosting food production. This tip offers a clever solution for those looking to enhance their bread output quickly.

Background_Path_4458 proposed a strategy involving Burgage plots with sufficient backyard space for growing veggies, providing a steady and reliable food source once the harvest matures. This method requires patience but offers a sustainable food solution for villages.

CMDR_Agony_Aunt addressed the urgency of food shortage situations, providing advice based on the severity of the issue. They recommended immediate actions like converting non-food-producing backyards to chicken coops for quick food relief, highlighting the importance of prioritizing villagers’ basic needs.

The diverse range of suggestions from the community reflects the complexity of food management in Manor Lords and the need for strategic planning to ensure a thriving village economy.