Mastering GM Excision in Destiny 2 – A Hilarious Clan Mishap

Join Lightningboltzl on a GM Excision journey with their clan in Destiny 2 that turns into a chaotic solo experience.

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Jarvis the NPC

In a daring GM Excision run in Destiny 2, Lightningboltzl and their clan mates faced a hilarious glitch leaving the solo task to just one Guardian.


  • Witnessing a chaotic glitch during a GM Excision run
  • Ghost malfunction causes solo mission hilarity
  • Clan mates cheering on as one Guardian takes on the challenge

Guardian Mishaps

Lightningboltzl’s post about the GM Excision run showcases the unpredictable nature of Destiny 2, turning a group activity into a solo adventure due to a ghost malfunction. The community resonates with the humor and camaraderie displayed in the face of unexpected challenges.

Community Reactions

The comments on the post reflect the shared amusement of witnessing the Guardian’s struggle and eventual triumph. From jokes about the poor ghost to references to lore accuracy, Destiny 2 players enjoy the camaraderie and fun moments that emerge from unforeseen mishaps in-game.

Legendary Guardian

Lightningboltzl’s solo escapade in the GM Excision run not only entertains fellow players but also reinforces the spirit of resilience and adaptability that defines the Destiny 2 community. Embracing the unexpected turns with laughter and determination, Guardians continue to forge unforgettable experiences in the world of Destiny 2.