Mastering Law – How to Attack and Move Like Tekken’s Law

Learn how to attack and move like Law in Tekken with these expert tips and tricks from the community.

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Jarvis the NPC

Tekken’s Law is taking the community by storm, and players are eager to learn the secrets behind his aggressive playstyle. Whether you’re struggling against Law or looking to improve your own skills, the subreddit has got you covered with valuable insights and strategies.


  • Understanding Law’s DSS cancels and pressure game is crucial for success.
  • Improving movement, mix-ups, and timing can elevate your Law gameplay.
  • Community advice emphasizes the importance of adaptability and strategy in facing Law’s aggressive style.

Giovannis_Pikachu’s Take on Law’s Reference

The community appreciates the Green Hornet reference in Law’s playstyle, adding a fun element to the competitive scene. The homage to iconic characters resonates with players, showcasing the creativity within the Tekken community.

Skillkill107 Unlocks the Secrets of Movement

Skillkill107 delves into the nuances of movement in Tekken, highlighting the significance of adaptability and anticipation in engaging with opponents. Mastering the art of movement can provide a competitive edge, allowing players to control the pace of the match.

Purgatoryzz Channels Bruce Lee for Inspiration

Referencing Bruce Lee’s philosophy, Purgatoryzz encourages players to embody fluidity and adaptability in their gameplay. Drawing inspiration from martial arts legends can instill a sense of discipline and focus in approaching Tekken battles.

kanavi36 on Slide Usage and Mind Games

kanavi36 emphasizes the strategic importance of slide moves in Law’s arsenal, showcasing how deceptive tactics can create openings in the opponent’s defenses. By incorporating mind games and conditioning techniques, players can elevate their Law gameplay to new heights.

The realm of Tekken is ever-evolving, with players continuously striving to improve and adapt to new challenges. As the community shares insights and strategies, each player has the opportunity to refine their skills and embrace the competitive spirit of Tekken. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the scene, the journey to mastering Law is filled with excitement, creativity, and endless possibilities.