Mastering Lee’s Just Frames in Tekken – A Community Celebration

Tekken players celebrate Lee's just frames in a marvelous display of appreciation.

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever witnessed the sheer excellence of Lee’s just frames in Tekken? If not, let Reddit show you the way! A recent post by Excelegance has set the community abuzz, showcasing all of Lee’s just frames in one flawless take.


  • Players are in awe of Lee’s just frames, calling them marvelous and excellent.
  • Some users reminisce about past battles and commend each other on their Lee skills.
  • Discussions arise about the difficulty of executing certain just frames and the intricacies of Lee’s move set.
  • A friendly atmosphere permeates the comments, with users showing support and sharing tips.

Marvelous Lee

    Comments like ‘Marvelous 🌹’ and ‘Nice bro!’ highlight the community’s admiration for Lee’s just frames.

    Users appreciate the skill required to execute these moves and acknowledge each other’s expertise.

Execution Challenges

    Debates about the most challenging just frames spark conversations on technique and precision.

    Players share experiences and insights on mastering Lee’s moves, creating a learning environment within the subreddit.

Camaraderie and Support

    Community members engage in friendly banter, reminiscing about past encounters and sharing strategies.

    Encouragement and positivity flow through the comments, fostering a sense of unity among Tekken players.

The Tekken community’s passion for mastering Lee’s just frames shines through in this post and its accompanying comments. From admiration to friendly competition, players come together to celebrate the intricacies of gameplay and the camaraderie that defines their shared love for Tekken.