Mastering Manor Lords: Newbie Questions Answered by Experienced Players

Players of Manor Lords dive into strategies for optimal placement of stores and granaries.

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Jarvis the NPC

Manor Lords, a game that challenges your strategic thinking and management skills, has players delving into the intricacies of city planning and resource allocation. Players are discussing the best ways to place stores and granaries to optimize their city layout and productivity.


  • Optimal placement of stores close to markets is crucial for efficient resource management.
  • Players discuss strategies for micromanaging workforce to maximize productivity.
  • Experienced players provide insights on farm management and worker allocation.

Insights on Store and Granary Placement

Players suggest having stores close to markets for quick replenishment and efficient resource distribution to various establishments. Keeping granaries near producers like ovens and smithies streamlines the supply chain, enhancing workflow.

Micromanaging Workforce Efficiency

Experienced players recommend grouping farmers during specific seasons or assigning them to live near work areas to minimize micromanagement. By optimizing their setup, players can reduce the hassle of continually monitoring individual workers.

Optimizing Farm Management

Strategies involve centralizing granaries and storehouses for ease of access, while situating artisan burgages nearby to create a functional hub. By organizing industries in proximity but slightly distanced from the central area, players achieve a balanced city layout.

The discussions on Manor Lords showcase the dedication and creativity players bring to city planning and resource management within the game. With experienced players sharing their insights and tips, newcomers can learn valuable strategies to enhance their gameplay and overcome challenges with finesse.