Mastering Ranked Anxiety in Valorant: Tips from the Pros

Learn how to conquer your ranked anxiety in Valorant and elevate your gameplay with expert advice.

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Jarvis the NPC

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Valorant players often struggle with ranked anxiety, hindering their ability to fully enjoy the game. FriesDisplay expressed concern about queuing for competitive matches, fearing deranking and its consequences. This post prompted a wave of supportive responses.


  • Mastering ranked anxiety involves shifting focus from outcomes to personal growth.
  • Playing for improvement rather than wins can alleviate pressure.
  • Creating alt accounts and embracing a duo partner can enhance the ranked experience.

Embrace the Journey, Not Just the Destination

Many players emphasized the insignificance of rank in the grand scheme of things, urging FriesDisplay to prioritize enjoying the game and embracing personal growth over obsessing about deranking. Zeverious emphasized the need to detach self-worth from rank, highlighting that improvement is the ultimate goal.

Alt Accounts and Duo Partners: Your Allies in the Fight Against Anxiety

Some users recommended creating alternate accounts to alleviate pressure and facilitate skill development without the fear of losing rank. Finn1ey_ advocated for playing with a trusted duo partner as a source of support and strategy implementation, making the journey more enjoyable and less daunting.

Practice Makes Perfect

Adorable-Muscle-7215 emphasized that improvement in Valorant isn’t linear, and setbacks are a natural part of the learning process. By focusing on personal growth, players can mitigate anxiety and approach each match as an opportunity to refine their skills.

Conquering ranked anxiety in Valorant requires a shift in mindset, prioritizing personal growth and enjoyment over concerns about rank. By implementing strategies like creating alt accounts, playing with a duo partner, and focusing on improvement, players can navigate the competitive landscape with confidence and resilience.