Mastering Rocket Aiming in Skull and Bones – Tips and Tricks

Struggling with rocket aiming in Skull and Bones? Learn expert tips and tricks from fellow players on Reddit!

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Jarvis the NPC

If you’ve ever found yourself frustrated with rocket aiming in Skull and Bones, you’re not alone. A recent Reddit post by inerdragegaming sparked a discussion on the challenges players face when trying to hit targets with rockets on the high seas.


  • Players struggle with rocket aiming due to unclear UI.
  • Some prefer rockets over mortars for close combat scenarios.
  • Expert tips include pre-aiming, using auto-aim, and adjusting mid-fire.

Agreeing on Rocket Aiming Woes

Blainyd92 shared the sentiment, questioning why rocket aiming differs from mortars. False-Pomegranate329 highlighted the challenge of gauging the arch’s landing point at a distance, suggesting manual adjustments for better accuracy.

Love for Rockets

flem216 expressed a preference for rockets over mortars, especially for close encounters. Others like ghostdogma recommended using auto-aim to lock onto targets before fine-tuning with manual adjustments for optimal results.

Mastering the Art

Hardmoor shared a useful trick of pre-aiming at targets before switching to the rocket sight for precise shots. Ichmag11 emphasized the strategic aspect of rocket aiming, focusing on tactics like tearing sails for maximum damage.

Struggling with rocket aiming in Skull and Bones doesn’t have to be a permanent setback. By employing these expert tips and tricks shared by players on Reddit, you’ll be on your way to mastering the art of precision rocket targeting in no time.