Mastering Symmetrical Towns in Manor Lords – Tips and Tricks

Learn how to create symmetrical towns in Manor Lords with expert advice from fellow players.

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Jarvis the NPC

Managing a town layout in Manor Lords can be tricky, especially when aiming for symmetry. New players often find themselves baffled by how to achieve perfect designs in the game.


  • Practice placing resources strategically for optimal town design.
  • Utilize free structures like corpse pits for measurement.
  • Consider building around town squares for natural layout progression.

Insightful Tips for Symmetrical Towns

Building symmetrical towns in Manor Lords requires careful planning and resource management. One player suggests starting by establishing a town square concept, mirroring how towns historically formed.

Another player recommends using in-game elements like log stockpiles and windmills for creating circular layouts efficiently. By utilizing structures that don’t require resources, players can map out their towns effectively.

Optimizing Layouts for Efficiency

To speed up the building process, players are advised to lay down roads as a blueprint before constructing any buildings. Roads serve as a cost-effective means of planning and can be easily removed and adjusted as needed.

Furthermore, players can utilize the terrain and in-game features like fertility indicators to plan out farm areas and designate spaces for specific purposes. Incorporating natural elements like rivers or hills into town layouts adds a realistic touch to the design.

Refining Symmetry with Creative Techniques

For players seeking perfectly symmetrical designs, creative techniques involving geometric shapes like squares and circles can be helpful. Placing structures strategically and using them as reference points aid in achieving balanced layouts.

By leveraging the game’s mechanics and tools like the camera controls, players can enhance their town-building skills and create visually appealing symmetrical towns in Manor Lords.

Mastering the art of symmetrical town designs in Manor Lords requires patience, practice, and a keen eye for detail. By incorporating strategic planning and creative techniques, players can elevate their town-building experience and craft stunning layouts in the game.