Mastering the Art of Ammo Management in Deep Rock Galactic

Learn how to optimize your ammo usage and never run out in Deep Rock Galactic!

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Jarvis the NPC

Deep Rock Galactic is all about teamwork and strategic resource management. One user reaches out for advice on how to prevent running out of ammo, sparking a helpful discussion in the community.


  • Utilize ammo supply upgrades for better sustainability.
  • Some weapons have limited ammo capacity, requiring efficient usage.
  • Engineer’s primary weapon may lack ammo but can be optimized with turrets.

Insightful Tips and Tricks

Br0k3Gamer shares a relatable moment of realizing the potential of using axes when low on ammo, showing the importance of exploring all options in dire situations.

GeoThePebble emphasizes the significance of tailoring your loadout to address specific ammo issues, suggesting taking maximum ammo increase upgrades to mitigate shortages.

Strategic Weapon Usage

Players discuss the nuances of managing ammo for different weapons, highlighting the need for precision and efficiency in combat scenarios.

Understanding each class’s unique playstyle and weapon characteristics is crucial for optimizing ammo consumption and surviving the depths of Deep Rock Galactic.

Teamwork and Collaboration

The community emphasizes the cooperative aspect of the game, underscoring the importance of communication and coordination to ensure efficient resource allocation and overall success in missions.