Mastering the Art of Managing Oxen in Manor Lords: A Comprehensive Guide

Join the discussion on moving oxen in Manor Lords and learn expert tips to optimize your gameplay.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Manor Lords, managing oxen can be trickier than herding cats. The quest for moving these majestic beasts to the hitching post has left players scratching their heads. Let’s dive into the community’s insights on this bovine logistics issue.


  • Optimizing oxen movement is crucial for efficient gameplay
  • Hitching posts and stables require strategic placement for success
  • Players share creative strategies for managing oxen effectively

AutoModerator’s Friendly Reminder

AutoModerator starts off the thread with a gentle nudge to keep things civil and on-topic, emphasizing the early access nature of the game and the importance of reporting bugs. Remember, folks, it’s a community effort to make Manor Lords the best it can be!

The Livestock Trading Post Dilemma

The user drawsony suggests a bold move—destroy the livestock trading post to prompt the oxen to head to the stable. It’s a risky play, but sometimes drastic measures are needed in the world of Manor Lords.

Cracking the Hitching Post Puzzle

User Vast_Ad1806 delves deep into the mechanics of hitching posts and stables, offering a comprehensive strategy to optimize oxen management. From a meticulous 1:1 ratio to clever manipulation of workplace assignments, this player’s approach exemplifies the intricate gameplay tactics in Manor Lords.

As players continue to navigate the challenges of managing oxen in Manor Lords, each strategy shared adds a new layer of depth to the gameplay experience. Whether you opt for a radical solution or an intricate manipulation of in-game features, the community’s collaborative spirit shines through in the quest to master the art of oxen logistics.