Mastering the Art of Sniping in Fortnite: A Simple Guide

Learn how to snipe like a pro in Fortnite with this simple guide that covers distance estimation, aiming techniques, and bullet drop.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite tactics are ever-evolving, and if you want to stay ahead of the competition, you’d better master the art of sniping. A recent post on the Fortnite subreddit, titled ‘A simple guide on how to snipe,’ caught the attention of many players seeking to improve their sniping skills. The post, made by user HamboneOnHorn, provides some insightful tips and tricks on how to become a sharpshooting sniper in the game.


  • Ping the location of the enemy to gauge the distance accurately.
  • Use the bullet drop guide to adjust your aim based on the distance.
  • Consider the verticality of your target when aiming.
  • Experiment with different sniper scopes for different distances.

Ping, Aim, Fire!

The guide suggests that players start by pinging the location of the enemy they want to snipe. This not only helps in gauging the distance accurately but also allows for better positioning and anticipation. Once you have the distance estimation, it’s time to aim. The guide recommends using the provided bullet drop guide to adjust your aim based on the distance. By aiming slightly above the target, you compensate for the bullet drop and increase your chances of hitting your mark.

Taking Verticality into Account

However, one Redditor, OsamaJT, raised a valid point—sniping becomes trickier when the enemy is right above or below you. In such cases, the bullet drop guide may not be as effective as verticality becomes a significant factor. Adjusting your crosshair to aim slightly higher or lower, depending on the enemy’s position, can greatly improve your accuracy in these situations.

BlazonistTwitch shared his observation that each notch on a sniper scope represents around 50 meters. He also pointed out that in the provided example, the target’s head falls around the 225 mark, while the actual distance is 233 meters. This demonstrates the importance of using the environment and the markings on the scope to make precise distance estimations.

Exploring Different Scopes

Another user, Blazerizm, offered an alternative approach to estimating distances using different sniper scopes. They suggested using the P2X scope or the 1.5 scope, specifically mentioning that the center of the scope should be used for close distances (around 70 meters) and the underneath for farther distances. This technique allows for more flexibility when it comes to adjusting your aim based on the range of the target.

Aiming Higher and Skins?

A Redditor named Dragonbarry22 had a simple question: when sniping, should you aim higher? The general consensus in the comments was that, yes, aiming slightly higher is necessary to account for bullet drop. Meanwhile, Rarelyagree veered off-topic by inquiring about the skin seen in the example, which turned out to be the Horizon skin.

Distance Estimation Woes

Yetebekohayu expressed their struggle with distance estimation in the game, remarking how challenging it can be to accurately gauge distances. This sentiment resonated with many players who shared similar frustrations and sought further advice in the comments.

Invaluable Tips for Aspiring Snipers

The post, while simple, sparked an engaging conversation among Fortnite players. AYDHES2025 summed up the sentiment of many when they commented, ‘This is actually a very nice tip, thank you.’ It’s evident that mastering the art of sniping in Fortnite is a skill many players are eager to acquire, and this guide provides practical advice to help them do just that.