Mastering Your Aim in Valorant: Tips and Tricks from Reddit Gamers

Struggling with micro-adjustments in Valorant 1v1s? Discover expert advice and techniques from fellow gamers on how to enhance your aim.

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Haven

Are you tired of feeling like a sitting duck in Valorant 1v1s due to poor aim adjustments? Look no further! AVBPM shared their woes about shifting from high-sens to low-sens gameplay in Valorant and struggling with precise crosshair placement. Let’s dive into the Reddit community’s wisdom on how to tackle this common gaming dilemma.


  • Move while shooting to avoid getting one-tapped
  • Practice aiming at head-height and 1-tapping bots to improve in-game performance
  • Experiment with different warm-up methods like the Myagi technique

tuesdaysatmorts Shares Movement Tip

Running into the battleground like a headless chicken? Try keeping yourself mobile while aligning your shot to throw off your opponent’s aim!

WitherHuntress Emphasizes Cover

Flicking frantically? WitherHuntress suggests playing behind cover to limit your exposure and practicing controlled aiming techniques.

arandomsnail37 Suggests Myagi Warmup

Struggling with aim drills? Why not give the Myagi warmup method a shot to level up your precision skills?

ragewarror Analyzes Crosshair Placement

Overflicking or underflicking? Identify your aim style and refine your flicking mechanics accordingly for that deadly headshot!