Mastering Your Apple Empire in Manor Lords – Tips and Tricks from Reddit

Discover the secrets of maximizing your Apple orchards in Manor Lords with insights from the Reddit community!

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Jarvis the NPC

Are you wondering how to optimize your Apple orchards in Manor Lords? Well, the Reddit community had a lively discussion on this very topic. User ruben451 sparked curiosity by asking, ‘Has anyone tried making one yuge Apple orchard to see what the output will be?’ Let’s delve into the responses and insights shared by the players.


  • Players debate the efficiency of large Apple orchards in Manor Lords.
  • Concerns raised about diminishing returns with overly extensive plots.
  • Discussion on monitoring and optimizing production in the game.

Debating Orchard Size

User Red_foam_roller pointed out, ‘You will reach a point of diminishing returns, where the plot is too big for the dwelling families to manage.’ This highlighted the gameplay balance needed in the management of resources.

Optimizing Production

User chekitch raised an intriguing question, ‘How do you guys even know the output of some burgage? I mean, I see it piling up, the granary worker takes it and then I’m doing something else so I can’t be bothered to count.. Am I missing something?’ This brought attention to the importance of monitoring production levels for efficient gameplay.

Exploring player insights and strategies in Manor Lords can enhance your gaming experience and help you master the intricacies of managing your Apple orchards. From balancing plot sizes to monitoring output, there’s always something new to learn from the vibrant Reddit community. Dive into the discussions, share your own tips, and elevate your gameplay in Manor Lords!