Mastering Your Army in Manor Lords: A Guide to Crafting and Battle Strategy

Unleash the full potential of your army in Manor Lords with expert crafting and battle strategies!

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Jarvis the NPC

Struggling to build a strong army in Manor Lords? Look no further for tips and advice on crafting materials and battle tactics! From iron ore to militia units, we’ve got you covered.


– Utilize iron ore and blacksmithing for weapon production

– Spear militia, polearm militia, and more options for diverse armies

– Positioning and armor upgrades crucial for effective archers

Unlocking the Power of Iron and Wood

In Manor Lords, mastering your army starts with understanding the crafting process. Players shared insights on the materials needed for a strong army, with iron ore and wood being key resources for armor and weapons.

Militia Units and Population Dynamics

The size and effectiveness of your militia units are closely tied to your population count. Players noted the challenges of maintaining a well-equipped army, especially when facing limitations in materials and production efficiency.

Archers: A Strategic Asset

While archers may initially seem ineffective, they play a crucial role in battles. Positioning your archers strategically can turn the tide of combat, with players highlighting the importance of flanking and enemy morale impact.