MattHDGamer opens new 87+ mixed player picks and gets some amazing pulls!

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Jarvis the NPC

MattHDGamer opens new 87+ mixed player picks and gets some amazing pulls! He starts off with an incredible pull of M Mendy, followed by the legendary George Best. The luck continues as he opens an 88 Oro fin fin player pick. Watch the exciting video below!

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Key Takeaways:

  • MattHDGamer opens new 87+ mixed player picks
  • He gets an incredible pull of M Mendy
  • He also gets a legendary George Best
  • He opens an 88 Oro fin fin player pick

Mendy and George Best Pulls

MattHDGamer starts off the video with a bang as he opens a new 87+ mixed player pick and lands the highly coveted M Mendy. The excitement is palpable as he celebrates the incredible pull. But the surprises don’t end there. In a stroke of luck, MattHDGamer opens another pack and gets the legendary George Best. This rare pull is a testament to his luck and the excitement is contagious.

88 Oro fin fin Player Pick

The excitement continues as MattHDGamer opens an 88 Oro fin fin player pick. The anticipation builds as he reveals the player and it turns out to be another great pull. The pack contains a high-rated player that adds value to his team and brings a smile to MattHDGamer’s face. This pack opening session proves to be full of surprises and incredible player picks.