Maximize Your Valorant FPS: What the Reddit Community Recommends

Discover how Valorant players achieve peak FPS performance and find out why some are left wanting more.

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Icebox

Do you find yourself struggling to squeeze out every last frame per second in Valorant? Well, you’re not alone. A recent Reddit post by user NarooHS sparked a discussion among players regarding their FPS performance in the game.


  • Valorant player community experiencing varied FPS results despite high-end hardware.
  • Different setups yield different results, with some achieving over 900fps.
  • Optimization tips shared but not all solutions proving effective for all.
  • Skin choices affecting FPS performance, surprising players.

Players Share Their FPS Experiences

Player IIIDzire boasts a 5950X and 3080 setup, hitting around 500fps uncapped. They emphasize the importance of the latest NVIDIA drivers for performance.

MonaFanBoy recommends setting power options to max on Windows for improved FPS on their Ryzen 5900X and 2070 Super setup.

69HELL-6969 humorously shares their ‘amateur’ 80fps average, highlighting the vast differences in performance experienced by players.

Hardware Matters in Valorant FPS

ForeveraloneBruh details achieving between 400-600fps on a 4080S and 7800x3d setup, underlining the impact of hardware on performance.

Jjzeng’s experience of hitting over 700fps with uncapped frame rates on their system showcases the variability in performance based on hardware configurations.

FPS and Skin Choices

MichLD02 raises an intriguing point about certain skins affecting FPS performance, citing a 40-100fps drop with the prelude to chaos vandal skin.

FangGaming69 notes a decrease in FPS when streaming on Discord, illustrating how external factors can influence game performance.

BrotherMorgan shares detailed hardware specs and FPS results, providing a comprehensive overview of the impact of different setups on Valorant performance.

Final_TV highlights achieving almost 1k fps in the range with their setup, showcasing extreme performance possibilities.

All in all, the Reddit thread sheds light on the diverse FPS experiences of Valorant players, with hardware, optimization, and even skin choices playing a role in performance. Whether you’re hitting 80fps or breaking the 900fps barrier, one thing is clear—Valorant’s performance is as varied as its player base.