Maximizing Life: Achieving 103k Life with My Hardcore Blood Surge Necro in Diablo

Discover how one player hit 103k life with their unique Hardcore Blood Surge Necro build in Diablo!

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Jarvis the NPC

When it comes to maximizing life in Diablo, creativity knows no bounds. A player on the subreddit shared an impressive feat of reaching 103k life with their Hardcore Blood Surge Necro build, sparking both admiration and curiosity among fellow gamers.


  • Community marvels at player’s achievement
  • Requests for build details flood the comments
  • Discussions on optimizing health stats

Admiration for the Feat

In the post, the user proudly announces achieving a remarkable 103k life, prompting a mix of awe and disbelief from others. User Best-Panda-2657 playfully doubts the accomplishment but also expresses genuine admiration.

Curiosity and Inquiry

Several users, like Baharroth123 and Vajanna, are eager to learn more about the build, requesting screenshots and build details. Fond-of-hats shares a similar build and seeks advice on boosting health. The community displays a genuine interest in replicating the achievement.

Strategies and Discussions

User Emit_backwards raises an interesting point about the armor cap and questions the inclusion of certain components in the build, sparking a discussion on optimizing stats for maximum effectiveness.