Maximizing Your Dupes in FIFA: What Are You Doing with Your Gotg?

FIFA players reveal their strategies for dealing with duplicate players in the latest post.

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Jarvis the NPC

Discussing the conundrum of handling duplicate players, FIFA players offer various strategies and insights on how to make the most out of their Gotg dupes.


  • Players share diverse approaches to managing duplicate players in FIFA.
  • Some opt for completing specific SBCs, while others focus on player exchanges.
  • High-rated fodder lists see an increase through the use of duplicate players.

Dealing with Expensive Dupes

Facing the dilemma of managing a duplicate 95-rated Zanetti, FIFA player ‘sancho_tranza’ seeks advice on optimal placement strategies.

Strategic Choices

Player ‘yo_lookatthat’ emphasizes utilizing high-rated dupes to complete cost-effective SBCs, like Cafu.

Community Insights

User ‘shrimpwimp420’ speculates on EA’s SBC trends and monetary objectives through varying player offerings.