Maximizing Your Vaseraga Build – Granblue Fantasy Guide

Discover top tips to optimize your Vaseraga build in Granblue Fantasy and boost your DPS!

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Jarvis the NPC

In Granblue Fantasy, players are seeking advice on optimizing their Vaseraga build to improve their DPS. Let’s dive into the community’s insights and recommendations on crafting the perfect setup for this tank character.


  • Vaseraga’s DPS potential can be maximized with specific rune combinations and skill usage.
  • Players recommend focusing on supplement damage and critical hit rate for Vaseraga’s build.
  • Animation canceling and strategic sigil choices can significantly impact Vaseraga’s performance in combat.

Top Rune Recommendations

One user suggests optimizing Vaseraga’s build by utilizing the XXYY combo and emphasizing supplementary damage and war elemental runes for a substantial DPS boost.

Strategic Sigil Choices

Another player emphasizes the importance of critical hit rate and stamina sigils, cautioning against inefficient choices like Quick Charge and Overdrive Assassin.

Unique Build Suggestions

A user mentions experimental builds like the ‘Less is More’ sigil approach for Vaseraga, showcasing the diverse strategies players are exploring to enhance gameplay.

Players echo the sentiment that Vaseraga’s damage potential is immense, with recommendations to focus on damage cap and critical hit chance for optimal performance and enjoyment.

Vaseraga enthusiasts express their delight in customizing builds, with each player adding a unique twist to maximize the character’s potential while having fun in combat.