Mind Control Mastery in Valorant: How Did He Do It?

Read about an epic Valorant moment where mind control seemed to win a gunfight!

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Jarvis the NPC

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Valorant players were buzzing about an incredible moment where mind control appeared to tip the scales in a gunfight. One player showcased a jaw-dropping display that left the community in awe. The post, shared on Reddit, sparked a wave of reactions and theories.


  • Players marveled at the display of skill and strategy in the post.
  • The community debated whether luck or sheer talent played a role.
  • Many were inspired to try new tactics and techniques in their own gameplay.

Hello Mind Control

One user exclaimed, “You should arrow yourself, NOW,” as they were in disbelief at the mind control wizardry on display. Others chimed in, expressing a mix of admiration and curiosity towards the techniques used.

The Knife of Legends

A comment highlighted the Elder Flame knife as the best in the game, showcasing how community discussions can swiftly jump from one exciting element to another.

Video Confusion

Among the comments was one expressing confusion over the video’s orientation, proving that even the smallest details can spark conversations in a post.

Valiant Masters of the Game