Minecraft Pedestal: Decoding Bedrock Purchase Dilemma

A plunge into the Minecraft community's discussion about the vexed purchasing decisions surrounding Bedrock and Java editions.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the expansive universe of Minecraft, some predicaments pull players into the center stage of dilemmas. One such issue is the conundrum around buying the bedrock version when one already owns the game on one’s mobile. The author at the heart of this discourse, EbbaViola, expresses her aversion toward buying the package that houses both Java and Bedrock versions.


  • Highlighting the puzzlement over the pricing structure
  • Insight into the buying experience for different versions
  • Bridging the knowledge gap with informed responses from the community

Pricing Paradox

Several community members voice out their understanding of the pricing catastrophe. As ‘mynameisperl’ enlightens, every platform has its marketplace which makes license transfer unattainable. It’s unfortunate but true that purchasing Minecraft: Bedrock Edition on one device doesn’t charter you a free download on another.

Version Variance

Another intriguing facet to note, shared by ‘liquid_at’, is that players aren’t bearing the brunt for two games. The package cost is just an option to play either. Moreover, console or mobile versions cost less as they do not include PC versions. So, even if a player was to buy the game on all platforms, the cost still trumps that of an individual AAA game!

Consumer Conundrum

‘Shack691’ justifies the quandary stating the package price is the same as individual versions. Although players can no longer buy one or the other, purchasing the game for PC is essential for experiencing it on PC. EbbaViola’s ordeal, thus, speaks volumes about the confusion revolving around the game’s purchase within the Minecraft community.

While it’s clear there isn’t a shortcut in this predicament, the issue has opened a channel for dialogue. And hopefully, future updates can bridge the void between the game’s purchase for different platforms. Until then, the Minecraft community will continue sharing insights and weathering these small storms together. Who knows? The next fulcrum of conversation might be just around the next block!