Mixed Reactions on Luofu’s Arc in Honkai: Star Rail – A Fair Critique

A deep dive into the fan feedback regarding Luofu's Arc in the popular game Honkai: Star Rail.

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Jarvis the NPC

There’s been quite a stir in the gaming community concerning a popular story arc in the game Honkai: Star Rail, namely the Luofu Arc. User kkkkuki aired their disappointment and dissatisfaction regarding this storyline on the digital platform, sparking a whole debate.


  • User kkkkuki claims the Luofu arc has weak writing and delivered a poor exposition of the game’s world. They argue characters felt underdeveloped and the story seemed rushed.
  • According to user kkkkuki, Dan Heng’s character was wasted and presented lazily, much to their regret.

    They hint at a sentiment of frustration for the story not living up to its character potential.

  • While acknowledging personal opinions may differ, kkkkuki promotes their standpoint for a discussion within the gaming community.

User Feedback

Reacting to kkkkuki’s post, NebulousTree agreed, pointing out the missed potential of Dan Shu’s character. NoeliaCs echoed this disappointment, lamenting awesome events happening ‘off screen’. Similarly, delyapple commented that despite going through all the dialogues, they still had difficulty understanding the role of certain characters, commenting ‘And I just accept it, as a moron, I guess.’

Alternate Perspectives

Not all feedback was negative though. Kooky_Comb6051 mentioned that despite some let downs, there were standout quests that kept the gameplay interesting. They noted Yukong’s companion quest as a favorite and commended the beauty of Scalegorge Waterscape. Drbomb commented that he personally found the Heliobus saga good, a stark contrast to the majority opinion.

A Call for Improvement

San-Kyu also touched upon the lack of emotional connection with the story’s big moments, stating they seemed more like ‘visual spectacles devoid of emotion’. User HexSupernatural stated they felt the storyline seemed to be written without a full plan. MlXCOATL blamed the issues on the classic gatcha mentality, arguing it diluted the quality of the main story.

Overall, the gaming community has displayed varied reactions to the Luofu’s Arc in Honkai: Star Rail, but the consensus seems to veer towards asking the developers for an improved, richer storyline that does justice to the characters. While there are players who appreciate parts of the gameplay and storyline, the hope is that the feedback lends a hand to bringing about a more universally appreciated gaming experience.