Moga: Can I 100% Mt. Firmament in 1 Day? (Wuthering Waves)

Join Moga as he attempts to 100% Mt. Firmament in just one day. Follow along as he navigates the challenges and uncovers all the hidden chests and puzzles.

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Griot the NPC

Today, Moga takes on the challenge of 100% completing Mt. Firmament in Wuthering Waves. This new area may not appear large at first glance, but it contains multiple layers, including underground sections that Moga has yet to explore. Armed with the loot mapper and an interactive map, Moga sets out to find every chest and complete every puzzle in the area.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Mt. Firmament in Wuthering Waves is a new area with multiple layers to explore
  • Moga uses both the loot mapper and an interactive map to locate chests and puzzles
  • Some chests and objects do not appear on the loot mapper, requiring additional exploration
  • Moga completes quests and takes on photo-taking events to unlock new areas and increase completion percentage

Exploring Mt. Firmament

In the video, Moga starts by exploring what he believes to be the beginning of the island. He relies on the loot mapper to find self-explanatory chests and uses the interactive map for puzzles and chests that do not appear on the loot mapper. Moga encounters new mechanics, such as switches and special pillars, that affect the environment.

Challenges and Discoveries

Throughout his exploration, Moga encounters various challenges and makes interesting discoveries. He finds chests hidden behind rocks, encounters wind chimers that do not show up on the loot mapper until he gets close enough, and battles Frost bugs. Moga also encounters puzzles, including a Cube puzzle event that proves to be particularly challenging.

Quests and Completion

Moga completes quests and photo-taking events to unlock new areas and increase his completion percentage. He also collects Windchimes and delivers them to the souvenir store. After hours of exploration, Moga finally reaches 100% completion of Mt. Firmament, earning various rewards and materials.

Final Thoughts

Completing Mt. Firmament in just one day is no easy feat, but Moga’s dedication and thorough exploration pay off. Despite encountering some challenges and puzzles that initially stumped him, Moga perseveres and achieves his goal. If you’re a fan of exploration and completionist gameplay, Moga’s video provides an in-depth look at the process and highlights the rewards of thorough exploration.